Domino Square

A building hybridizing public space, a retail arcade and a water treatment facility in the heart of Brooklyn’s waterfront.

This building is part of a multi-use infrastructural and public amenity anchoring the redevelopment of Williamsburg’s waterfront at the site of the former Domino Sugar refinery. Part infrastructure and part landscape, the building shapes the topography of a public park above and contains a water treatment facility in its basement below. At ground level, the building frames a new street wall to reinforce an active street life.

A series of cast-in-place concrete piers of varying sizes line the perimeter of three sides of the block to create a porous loggia that contains retail spaces, access points and a gateway into a new civic square designed by Field Operations. Helping to preserve a link from the street back to the waterfront, its articulated roof shapes peeks and valleys that provide glimpses of the public park and water beyond.

The project is currently under construction with expected completion in fall 2024.

Location Brooklyn, New York Use Park Building and Retail Client Two Trees Management
Landscape Architect
Field Operations Status Under Construction